Fucking about with fucking stupid things!


I seem to have spent far too much time recently fucking about with things that are just NOT important. Some examples are:

  • fucking about with old kitchen cabinets and doors (don't ask)
  • fucking about on eBay
  • fucking about with methi and curries
  • fucking about washing stuff, tidying-up, pairing up socks, etc
  • generally fucking about


The result has been that I've gone behind on my notes and video watching and this in turn has had a negative effect on my mindest, time management and ultimately my results. It's a really fucking stupid state of affairs and I need to kick myself in the bollox and get back on track. In fact anytime that I find myself doing something that is a complete waste of time I'm going to note it on here so that everyone can see why I'm not making any progress! ...

.. like it's 40 minutes from the start of the first race and I'm watching a video of a bear attack a woman in a zoo after watching the 'gateaux from the chateaux' allo allo clip on youtube after hearing of the death of actor Sam Kelly after popping onto the BBC website to have a quick look at the fucking news!!

It's time to man-up and concentrate one one thing ... making serious amounts of cash.


June Total = +£903.07

+£9.27. Well I almost made a tenner!


June Total = +£946.29

+£43.22. Well at least it was a small improvement over yesterday!


June Total = +£1368.74

+£422.45. About fucking time eh?


June Total = +£1444.89

+£76.15. Was a tad unlucky early doors but still managed to end up in front.


June Total = +£1456.84

+£11.95. Just never got going today ...


June Total = +£1633.62

+£176.78. Well the weather looked nice for the weeekend so I fucked back off down to the coast again. I cycled along the coast from Whitstable to Ramsgate on Friday and indulged in a few beers along the way. On Saturday and Sunday I left the bike in the back of the car and hit The Belgian Cafe early on both days and sat in the sun and drunk copious amounts of Hoegaarden @ £5.20 per pint!!

 Outside The Jolly Farmer @ Manston

Had quite a good day today. Things seemed to grind to a halt at the start of the evening racing but then I managed to pick up a few quid in some of the later races and it covered some of my expenses incurred over the last few days of debauchery.


A view from Minnis Bay after I had just cycled from Reculver (you can just about see Reculver Towers in the background).



  1. In all fairness Dave, that gateau from the chateau clip is VERY funny !!!! lol

    I presume that your blogs are meant to be funny, as your temper has me in stitches!!!! Very Basil Fawlty.....

    Now get back to your horse notes ..........

  2. Hiya Steve.

    I can't say that I was ever a great Allo fan but yes it is very funny indeed!

    As for this blog well yeah I like to keep it lighthearted if possible. I suppose that I use it as a vehicle to record my ups and downs, whether they're related to trading or not..

    Yep just off the backof a morning of horse notes and trying to find the motivation to do another 30 minutes or so before the first race today. It's OK when I see the benefits but it does make the day kinda long and I end up watching 100's of races every fucking day!

    PS We'll sort out that beer soon. The weather is set to be very nice in a couple of weeks apparently so I'll let you know when I can make it down and we'll arrange a date.

    Cheers - Dave.

  3. Hi Dave,

    No worries mate, whenever you are free pop down for some light refreshments and whelks on the beach !!! I have started brewing my own beer, which is a mistake as have 40 pints sat upstairs and of course the temptation is too much most days. I do wait until the cocktail hour of 5 o clock before imbibing though!!

    Your trading results have gone up a notch and a justification of all the effort that you put in. Good work.

    Speak soon
